Signs of Estrogen Dominance

Estrogen Dominance: Root Causes and Surprising Symptoms to Know

Estrogen is typically not a hormone you think about unless something is wrong. However, if you’ve been experiencing symptoms like intense fatigue, mood swings, and trouble sleeping, it’s time you think about it. This is because high levels of estrogen might be responsible for these signs.

Estrogen is a vital female hormone that, alongside progesterone, controls the menstrual cycle and reproductive health. However, when you have too much estrogen and not enough progesterone to balance it out, you might have something called estrogen dominance.

Root Causes of Estrogen Dominance

When your body produces an excess amount of estrogen, the following could be the causes:

  • Chronic constipation: After your body undergoes the normal detoxification process, estrogen is removed through excretion. Therefore, if you experience chronic constipation and you don’t pass stool for days, estrogen can be backed up in the body and cause harm.
  • Chronic stress: Stress increases cortisol levels, which in turn suppresses the production of progesterone in the body. This invariably leads to high levels of estrogen in the body.
  • Excess fat: If you’re overweight, the excess fat produces estrone (i.e., one of the types of estrogen produced by women). Fat cells also contain the enzyme aromatase, which converts testosterone into estradiol (i.e., another type of estrogen).
  • Xenoestrogens: These are chemical estrogens present in foods and some environmental products. The scary fact is that these xenoestrogens can bind to the same receptors as real estrogens in the body. Some examples of estrogens are parabens, BPAs, etc.
  • Liver problems: Phase 1 and 2 processes that happen during the metabolism of estrogen occur in the liver. Thus, if your liver isn’t functioning optimally, estrogen levels can increase and accumulate in the body.
  • Unhealthy Estrobolome: The estrobolome is the part of your gut microbiome that controls estrogen metabolism. So, any disruption in the composition of estrobolome can interfere with this function, leading to a buildup of estrogen.

Signs of Estrogen Dominance: What to Look Out For?

Some warning symptoms of estrogen dominance include;

  • Breast cysts
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Fatigue
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Weight gain


How to Balance Estrogen Levels in Your Body

The following tips will help balance estrogen levels in the body:

  • Diet changes: This includes reduced alcohol intake as it slows down the ability of your liver to metabolize estrogen. Also, avoid refined sugars, grains, processed foods, etc. Instead, include vegetables and fermented foods in your diet.
  • Relieve constipation: Ensure you have regular bowel movements at least once a day to reduce elevated estrogen levels in your body.
  • Balance your hormones: Use a potent natural supplement such as NATURE’SFIELD VITEX CHASTEBERRY, which promotes progesterone production, balancing the uneven scale and restoring the balance of these hormones in your body.

Riddled by the chaos associated living busy lives, don’t let your hormones hold you back! Take charge of your hormonal health by getting NATURE’SFIELD VITEX CHASTEBERRY and watch your PMS symptoms, signs of estrogen dominance, and hormonal imbalance go away. When you feel good about your health, you can achieve anything you set your mind on.

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