low testosterone and erectile dysfunction

Does Low Testosterone Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

When it comes to men’s sexual health, there is a lot of focus on testosterone. There is a general belief among most men that low testosterone is the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction. As important as testosterone is for men, is it the only factor that controls erectile dysfunction? Are there other external factors?

Testosterone is a hormone present in both men and women. It plays a critical role in developing male sexual characteristics and signs of masculinity. However, there is no direct correlation between low testosterone and erectile dysfunction. In other words, low testosterone may or may not coexist with erectile dysfunction. The relationship is a bit more complex than that. Read on to find out why.

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

There are three basic conditions needed to diagnose erectile dysfunction: impaired blood flow, dysfunction of the parasympathetic nervous system, and low testosterone levels. Hence, low testosterone is one of the factors that can result in erectile dysfunction if it is present with other factors. Also, ED can be caused by high blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardiovascular conditions, stress, etc. Thus, having a healthy heart decreases the risk of developing ED. Erectile dysfunction occurs when a problem disrupts the teamwork of your hormones, nerves, and muscles in achieving an erection. Having a high testosterone level isn’t a safeguard against ED either!

What Is the Link Between Low Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction?

Low testosterone can contribute to ED in the following ways:

  • It causes low libido, which can affect a person’s mood and lead to ED.
  • Low physical activity: Testosterone is essential for maintaining the strength and size of bones and muscles. Low testosterone levels can decrease strength and energy levels, which can encourage weight gain, which is one of the risk factors for ED.
  • Onset of conditions triggered by obesity: Excessive weight gain to the extent of becoming obese is a risk factor for cardiovascular conditions, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. These conditions are all tied to the onset of ED.

How to Improve Erectile Dysfunction and Low Testosterone Levels

We’ve already established that having high testosterone levels doesn’t imply better sexual function. Nevertheless, sufficient levels of testosterone are needed to achieve an erection. Thus, implementing stress management strategies, regular exercise, and a healthy diet can improve both your testosterone levels and your erectile dysfunction.

Additionally, you can incorporate NATURE’SFIELD MEN’S ZONE, which improves sexual dysfunction in men with underlying health conditions and boosts testosterone levels as well, thanks to the naturally effective compounds it contains.

You shouldn’t make assumptions or listen to information without concrete sources when it comes to low testosterone and erectile dysfunction. Remember, erectile dysfunction can be a sign of a more serious medical condition. Consequently, it is vital to understand the real cause of erectile dysfunction instead of writing it off as a testosterone problem. NATURE’SFIELD MEN’S ZONE is an effective remedy to improve both and have you reach your sexual peak without going for a quick-fix but temporal solution.

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