6 Alarming Health Problems Every Woman Over 50 Should Be Aware Of
The popular adage that age is just a number is unfortunately not applicable when it comes to health conditions. This is because age plays a vital role in the type of health problem you might face. However, this is in addition to other factors such as your eating habits and physical activity. The health problems of women over 50 years may be confusing at times.
Nevertheless, women go through various stages in life with fluctuating levels of hormones, which can affect some metabolic processes in the body. Women of 50 years and above are at a delicate phase because there is an increased risk of developing health conditions. Therefore, this article provides six alarming health problems every woman of 50 years and above should be aware of.
Health Problems That Can Occur in Women 50 Years and Above
1. Thyroid problems and menopause:
The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped organ in front of your neck. It produces the hormones thyroxine T4 (inactive) and triiodothyronine T3 (active), which regulate many metabolic processes in your body. An indirect link exists between menopause and the development of thyroid issues because of the female hormone estrogen. This is because estrogen stimulates thyroid growth; too little of it can result in hypothyroidism, while an excess can result in an enlarged thyroid (hyperthyroidism). This is why the symptoms of thyroid problems are similar to those associated with menopause.
2. Fatty liver disease:
Many women in their 50s tend to live a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, other risk factors that can lead to the development of fatty liver disease include an increase in testosterone levels and a decrease in estrogen, loss of muscle mass, high intake of fructose and fats, etc.
3. Arthritis:
This is the most common condition in women of 50 years and above. Apart from the well-known risk factors of arthritis, such as obesity and lack of physical activity, estrogen deficiency has been added to the list. This is because estrogen helps to keep your cartilage healthy by increasing the production of collagen, which is a key component of cartilage. Also, estrogen helps to control inflammation. Therefore, when estrogen levels decline, inflammation will likely occur, which can lead to osteoarthritis.
4. Breast cancer:
Just like most health conditions, the development of breast cancer is a combination of risk factors apart from age. These include family history, drinking alcohol, lack of physical activity, being obese after menopause, etc.
5. Urinary tract infections:
Women in their 50s are more prone to UTIs mainly because of a lack of estrogen. Why does estrogen loss cause UTIs? Estrogen helps the tissues in your vagina and urethra to remain elastic and moist. Estrogen loss can thin these tissues and cause dryness, irritation, and other changes that set the stage for urinary tract infections. For example, estrogen loss weakens the muscles of your urethra. This makes it easier for bacteria to enter your urethra and move up to your bladder. Estrogen also raises the level of healthy bacteria that live in your vagina and bladder. Healthy bacteria help fight off harmful and infection-causing bacteria. After menopause, low estrogen means you have less healthy bacteria to help prevent these infections.
6. Depression:
This is solely due to menopause. Erratic fluctuation of estrogen levels can take a toll on your mental health in your 50s. This is coupled with the menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, etc. This is also because estrogen is involved in cognitive functions of the brain and mood regulation.
How to Improve Your Health and Reduce the Effects of Aging
Apart from the above, other health conditions can occur as you age if you don’t take measures to reduce the effects of aging on your overall well-being. These include:
- Lifestyle changes: This involves getting regular physical activity. Also, eat healthily and realize your body is not as effective as it used to be when it comes to burning calories and evading infections.
- Use of health-promoting supplements: Getting a supplement that contains cranberry, vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin B complex will go a long way in helping you remain the healthiest version of yourself. These constituents are present in NATURE’SFIELD HEALTHY YOU WOMEN 50+ to give you all-round support and protection against the above-mentioned health conditions.
- Stay hydrated: If you’re dehydrated, your body will start siphoning water from other sources, including the cartilage, which is mostly water. As a result, this lessens its lubrication, which can lead to joint pain and a cascade of other health consequences.
Staying healthy is a continuous task, so you need to make an effort to start early so it becomes a habit as you grow older. NATURE’SFIELD HEALTHY YOU WOMEN 50+ will give you a helping hand to navigate those golden years.