Zinc deficiency and PCOS symptoms

Zinc Deficiency: A Hidden Factor in Manifesting PCOS Symptoms

Did you know that if your hormonal system is out of control, it can trigger a cascade of disorders such as endometriosis, fibroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), etc.? Although these conditions are associated with
a variety of risk factors, the most frequent culprit is hormonal issues. Additionally, one of the surprising causes of hormonal imbalance is zinc deficiency.

Zinc is an essential microelement naturally present in all body tissues and intracellular fluids. A rich source of zinc can be obtained from animal produce such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. This article presents a startling connection between zinc deficiency and the worsening of PCOS symptoms and why you should include it in your daily routine.

What Does Zinc Do in the Body?

Zinc participates in a multitude of chemical processes within the body and provides numerous benefits. These include cholesterol and glucose metabolism, synthesis of proteins, production of the cells of your immune system, proper formation of connective tissues collagen synthesis, etc. Zinc also plays a vital role in the growth of hair and nails with potent antioxidant activity against free radicals. 

Causes of Zinc Deficiency

The root cause of zinc deficiency is inadequate dietary intake and ingredients in foods (called phytate) that can reduce the absorption of zinc in the body. Also, digestive problems like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can affect the absorption of zinc as well as increase the utilization and loss of zinc in the body.


The Link Between Zinc Deficiency and PCOS Symptoms

Zinc deficiency and PCOS share an interwoven and complicated relationship because of the functions of zinc in the body. Notably, being deficient in zinc is not merely a symptom but a sign that accelerates and worsens the symptoms associated with PCOS.

There are different forms of PCOS, which include insulin resistance, adrenal fatigue, inflammation, and post-pill PCOS. It is possible to have one or more forms of PCOS at once. All the forms of PCOS have one thing in common: the development of metabolic features. These can be associated with the hallmark symptoms of this condition, which are insulin resistance, ovarian dysfunction, and excessive androgen production (which triggers excess hair growth and acne).

However, due to the diverse benefits of zinc in the body, particularly in regulating insulin sensitivity and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it can improve the symptoms associated with PCOS. Thus, zinc significantly improves the symptoms of PCOS and prevents them from worsening or progressing into other health conditions. Hence, zinc deficiency acts as an initiator or promoter of the underlying mechanisms and metabolic features associated with PCOS. This is why a lot of women with PCOS tend to have low levels of zinc.

How to Incorporate Zinc For the Management of PCOS

Here’s the thing: although zinc is an essential trace mineral, your body can’t store it. So, you need to eat zinc-rich foods, which might be challenging. If getting zinc through your diet is not always achievable for you, then supplementing with NATURE’SFIELD ZINC may be the best option for you. Signs of zinc deficiency may be subtle and can affect many organs in your body. This can manifest as delayed wound healing, loss of taste and appetite, hair loss, fertility issues, and increased susceptibility to infections.

If you suffer from excessive hair growth in unwanted places, acne, and skin issues, you can mitigate these symptoms by going for NATURE’SFIELD ZINC. The best part is that zinc doesn’t only improve these dermatological symptoms but also plays a significant role in addressing other severe symptoms of PCOS that can affect your quality of life and ability to conceive in the future. 


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