causes of changes in breast size

Surprising Causes of Changes in Breast Size

Did you know that the breasts change throughout your life? The thing is, changes in the breast are not as uncommon as it sounds. This is not typically what you will notice till your favorite bra seems looser than usual or that body-hugging shirt no longer fits as it used to. While it is convenient to think that your breast size is solely determined by genes or family history, other factors can influence the size of your breast that you might not have considered before.

However, the common causes of changes in breast size include age, genetics, and weight fluctuation. In this article, we’ve uncovered some unexplored causes of a fluctuation in breast size and how to improve the health of your breasts.


Causes of Changes in Breast Size

  1. Your intense workout routine without breast support: Intense exercise and workout routine can affect the size and shape of your breasts. Also, intense exercise can negatively affect the breast muscles, which support the breast tissues, especially when you exercise vigorously without adequate breast support.
  2. Your menstrual cycle: Your period brings about distinct changes to your breast size and shape. This is because, during the first half of your cycle, your body produces a hormone called estrogen. This hormone induces ovulation and stimulates the milk ducts in the breasts. In the second half of your cycle (i.e., as you get closer to your period), progesterone is produced, which stimulates the formation of the milk glands, which causes swelling, a little soreness, and sometimes mild pain. The degree of severity of these signs can vary from one woman to another.
  3. Birth control pills: Your birth control pills can do more than prevent unwanted pregnancy. Oral contraceptives and hormonal IUDs can impact your breast side and lead to edema (i.e., water retention). This fluctuates the size of the breasts, especially if you don’t take it steadily.
  4. Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Pregnancy comes with a gradual increase in breast size due to hormonal changes such as an increase in progesterone levels. This hormone helps your body produce more ducts and lobules (the glands that produce milk). By the 2nd trimester, your breasts are already capable of producing milk. After childbirth, your breasts may continue to swell, but they usually go back to normal. The fluctuation in size and texture of the breasts can be more obvious in women after two or more pregnancies. 
  5. You just started a new diet: You should never underestimate the connection between your diet and overall well-being. If you suddenly start a new eating regime, such as a calorie-restricted diet, particularly in extreme cases, it can affect your breast size. Additionally, drinking a great deal of caffeinated beverages could cause women’s breasts to become smaller in size.


How to Maintain Breast Health

It is pertinent to conduct a monthly examination of your breasts a week or two after your period ends, as they are less likely to be swollen or sensitive. Bear in mind that not all lumps, bumps, and slight changes imply that you have breast cancer. Thus, monitor and boost your breast health with NATURE’SFIELD MAXIBUST, especially if you have sagging breasts after childbirth.

Most importantly, look beyond the societal pressures of what a perfect body should look like and focus on maintaining the overall health of your body. This will greatly impact breast health too. Using supplements like NATURE’SFIELD MAXIBUST will provide the additional support you need and improve skin texture, making your breasts smoother, softer, and supple.


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