Nature’sField Vanilla Whey Protein
Nature’sField Vanilla Whey Protein is a high quality protein that is designed to refuel and repair muscles. Our advanced formula supports muscle growth, increases strength and performance and speeds up muscle recovery after exercise.
Nature’sField Vanilla Flavour Whey Protein is a scientifically-proven effective source of proteins for athletes, everyday fitness enthusiasts and active individuals because of its range of benefits. Not only does it work to build muscle and enhance your body’s composition, it also speeds up the recovery of broken down and stressed muscles after exercise. The amino acids in whey protein powder helps to repair skin and tissues from wounds. It also gives people with long-term illness a nutritional boost. It is rich in cysteine which raises the level of glutathione, one of the main antioxidants in the body.
Nature’sField Vanilla Whey Protein contains 26g of easily absorbable and digestible whey protein isolate and whey protein concentrate. It contains 5.5g of an important trio of amino acids called Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) which builds muscle, reduces fatigue and muscle soreness. The 1g of dietary fibre is vital for improved health of your digestive system and in reducing digestive problems. Finally, our whey protein contains everything you need and nothing you don’t and is available in a decadently delicious Vanilla and Chocolate Flavour respectively.
- Gym enthusiasts and athletes looking to build muscle mass in a natural way.
- People with poor nutrition who want to increase their protein intake.
- Individuals recovering from illness, experience difficulty chewing or have poor appetite.
- People with protein deficiency and those who experience muscle soreness after exercise.
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