Nature’sfield Adam’s Desire

 9,820.00 26,650.00

Adam’s Desire is a combination of eight clinically tested herbal extracts scientifically formulated for men’s sexual performance and desire.Taking Adam’s Desire over time helps treat quick or premature ejaculation and weak erection.

  • Adams Desire x15
  • Adams Desire x30
  • Adams Desire x60
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Nature’sField Adam’s Desire is a combination of eight clinically tested herbal extracts scientifically proven to boost men’s sexual performance and desire. Adam’s desire is an effective herbal treatment and is considered one of the best for erectile dysfunction in men.  Adam’s Desire boosts your sexual performance naturally without side effects.

It is unlike some PDE5 inhibitor drugs that quickly increase blood flow to arouse your penis but comes with bad side effects. It helps cure premature ejaculation in men naturally. Adam’s Desire is safer than many sexual performance enhancing drugs.

The power of eight clinically test herbs in Adam’s Desire

  • -1. Cayenne (Capsicum annum): It creates heat, improves circulation and blood flow for hard penile erections.
  • -2. Muira puama: A natural aphrodisiac that increases sexual drive. In combination with other herbs, it treats male sexual problems naturally. It is unlike some sexual performance enhancing drugs that come with side effects.
  • -3. Maca (Lepidum meyenii): Maca contains amino acids, iodine, iron, and magnesium. It eases stress and improves sexual function.
  • -4. Tribulus Extract (Tribulus terrestris): This herb helps boost libido and increases testosterone levels. This constituent is very essential in the best of treatments of erectile dysfunction in men.
  • -5. Panax ginseng: In combination with other herbs in Adam’s Desire, Panax ginseng helps maintain firmer, longer-lasting erections.
  • -6. Damiana (Turneraaphrodisiaca): It naturally enhances men’s sexual arousal and stamina to last longer in bed.
  • -7. Ginkgo extract (Ginkgo biloba): Ginkgo boosts sexual function by improving blood flow to the penis.
  • -8. Epimedium extract (Epimedium brevicorum): This herb has natural action on impotency, spermatorrhea, and helps cure premature ejaculation.

How Adam’s Desire can help your sex life

Each of the ingredients in Nature’sField Adam’s Desire reinforces the power of the other ingredients to;
-Improve erectile function
-Increase sexual desire and arousal
-Enhance men’s energy level endurance, and sexual stamina
-Improve your fertility as a man
-reduce mental fatigue and exhaustion and boost the immune system

It is God’s desire that you seek and enjoy your sex life with your partner. Sex is indeed a very important part of your relationship. Taking Adam’s Desire over time will treat premature ejaculation and weak penis erection. So, you can last longer in bed and enjoy sex with your partner.

Additional information


1 veg capsule daily

63 reviews for Nature’sfield Adam’s Desire

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  1. D


    Can I take Adams Desire and Men’s Zone at different times in a day?

    (0) (0)
  2. D


    Can I take Adams Desire and Men’s Zone in a day at different times?

    (0) (0)
  3. J


    when do we likely see the result of Adams desire in men? after how many days of constant usage?

    (0) (0)
  4. SO

    Samson Ogunji

    Very good product I must say. The quality of my sperm was very obvious in just a week. The sperm smell became STRONGER (you know what I mean? lol) and sperm THICKER. I must say the reaction time of our body differs though.

    (0) (0)
  5. M


    I already use the Nature’s Field Moringa High Strength 800mg (1-Mornings & 1-Nights). Can I use the Adam’s Desire & Tongra alongside the Moringa?

    (0) (0)
  6. Y


    good evening, please does smoking affect the progress of the adams desire & tongra?

    (0) (0)
  7. FJ

    Francis Johnson Umoh

    I need Healthy Mean Formula

    (0) (0)
  8. E


    I took Adams desire in the morning and at night i believe i was restless. Could it be due to the supplement?

    (0) (0)
  9. O


    Does the product have side effect?
    I have come to know that I hardly maintain erection and if I go one round of sex, to have erection again will be a problem for me and it’s a concern for my young family..

    (0) (0)
  10. O


    Does the product have side effect?
    I have come to know that I hardly maintain erection and if I go one round of sex, to have erection again will be a problem for me and it’s a concern..

    (0) (0)
  11. T


    Does taking more than a capsule a day has any dangerous effect(s)? My Pharmacist recommended 2 capsules to be taken once daily, what is your suggestion/recommendation, please.

    (0) (0)
  12. M


    Can Adam’s Desire be taken indefinitely?

    (0) (0)
  13. I


    Pls an I take Adam’s desire .. in the morning and tongra in the evening ???

    (0) (0)
  14. I


    For premature ejaculation and weak erection

    (0) (0)
  15. B


    Ok I av few questions for natures field concerning this product and I wish they will all be attended to…

    1: can a middle 20 lady take Eve’s desire?
    2: is there a side effect?, ya I know it’s herbal but Like getting addicted to it?
    3: can just a bottle take care of the issues in 20+ ladies? as it’s not really serious issues taken it, just for the sexual urge, orgasm and to treat vaginal dryness and for good performance as listed in the description?
    4: Does taking this capsule everyday gives you the urge for sex when ur not ready for it, if am at work I mean? Can’t I take it only when I want to perform (20+)
    5: Aside enhancing sexual performance, does this product do other works?

    (0) (0)
  16. B


    Thanks for you answers ????

    (0) (0)
  17. L


    Most of the partners look for ways to increase sex time for a pleasurable time permanently. There are plenty of ways to do so starting from natural practices to medications, a healthy diet, and exercises.

    (0) (0)
  18. E


    Please will this make me last longer in bed?

    (0) (0)
  19. VP

    Vaava Polycarp Terpase

    Does it means I will be taking the drugs constantly for how long I wish or only during when I want to have sex?? And how long will i begin to react when i take a single dosage

    (0) (0)
  20. S


    Can I take Adam’s Desire and bitter kola on the same day? Does bitter kola affect the effectiveness of the drug?

    (0) (0)
  21. OS

    Okeren Smith

    How do I place order for Adams Desire?

    (0) (0)
  22. A


    Pls what and what do I use to treat ED and low libido/testosterone permanently

    (0) (0)
  23. B


    I need Adam’s desire. How much is it? How many tablets/capsules are there in it? I hope it work for my premature ejaculation?

    (0) (0)
  24. B


    I have premature ejaculation. I always come after two minutes which is very disturbing. Will Adam’s desire correct this? Please, I need to know the cost and how I can make a request for it. If I make an order now, when will I receive it? Thanks.

    (0) (0)
  25. OO

    Ogunsola Olumide Seun

    I need Adam’s Desire , what’s the cost and with what supplement ?

    (0) (0)
  26. O


    Can I still be having sex with my wife while taken the Adam’s Desire?

    (0) (0)
  27. Z


    After completing it for 30days as required, is going to be a permanent solution to low libido or to be taken all time before sex?

    (0) (0)
  28. V


    Can Adam’s desire be taken alone or with another supplement to have a good result? If so, which one?

    (0) (0)
  29. V


    How can be taking these your products, Fertil Support Man, Adam’s Desire and Selenium for best results? And if I join Zinc , when can I take it too? Can vitamin E be of any help help?

    (0) (0)
  30. S


    Can ulcer patients take Adam’s desire and zinc supplement? What is permanent cure for quick ejaculation and ED ? Which supplement is best for it?

    (0) (0)
  31. P


    how many do I have to take before I get my desired result? How long does it take to work?

    (0) (0)
  32. T


    I have used revive for a while. Can I start using Adams desire in place of revive? . I also use sellace which contains zinc and selenium. Can I still take Zinc 100mg?

    (0) (0)
  33. L


    Please I have a question
    About last month I was diagnosed with priapism so after getting treated I can get an erection, I was advised to get Adam desire cap will it help and which other drug should I take it with

    (0) (0)
  34. OM

    Oladoye morenikeji

    In d one I bought there’s 15 capsules inside am I going to cut one capsule to two and which time can it be used

    (0) (0)
  35. U


    I just received my Adam’s desire capsules I ordered. Just want to know if I can use Adam’s desire and Wellman Conception together daily. One in the morning and the other in the evening.

    (0) (0)
  36. R


    Hello, Please I’m having issues lasting in bed and I just got the Adam’s desire, and vitamin c but getting here on your review you advise people to get it with the zinc 100 instead of like to know if it’s okay with just the vitamin c

    (0) (0)
  37. A


    Please I
    Don’t have sexual urge any more with Ed and loss of sexual power…after my semen analysis and culture my sperm showed no infection and the count was 146milion sperm cells..pls what prescription can u give me

    (0) (0)
  38. JO

    Joseph Olawale

    Hello,which medication can I take to boost sperm cells, and erection?
    Thank you

    (0) (0)
  39. AA

    Akintunde Adeyemo

    Im 39, i have premature ejaculation & erectile dysfunction. I already ordered Adam’s desire & taken for over a month now. Im planning to order a second bottle, which other product can i take with Adams desire? Yohimbe or Men Zone?

    (1) (0)
  40. E


    When I drink Adams desire, it makes me feel headache.. why?

    (0) (0)
  41. O


    Am above 50 my erection is no longer as strong as it used to be, can i combine Adams Desire, Tongra and Zink 100mg for a super errection, each to be used at different times, like Adams Desire in the morning, Zink 100mg in the afternoon and Tongra in the evening, hoping they will give best result without any side effect?

    (0) (0)
  42. O


    Pls what does Zinc do with Adams desire?

    (0) (0)
  43. O


    What does Zinc does with Adams desire?

    (0) (0)
  44. V


    Pls if someone is on adam desire,can the person use sildernafil(viagra) again for sex or any male herbal sex coffee for last erection?

    (0) (0)
  45. W


    Please I have a question concerning this can the tablet be taking when having period cuz my gf taking it and her period have not yet stopped this is the 8th days
    Please answer my question asap

    (0) (0)
  46. O


    Hello Nature’s Field.

    I am 50yrs and I am experiencing Weak Erection of Penis.

    Can I take Adam’s Desire in the morning and Men’s Zone in the night?

    Which other of your supplements can you recommend for me, for general Body Wellness.

    That I can combine with Adam’s Desire and Men’s Zone.

    Kindly inform.


    (0) (0)
  47. AS


    Am interested please

    (0) (0)
  48. O


    Pls is it Zinc Sulphate

    (0) (0)
  49. O


    Can I take zinc d morning, bitter kola in d afternoon and Adams desire at night?

    (0) (0)
  50. O


    Pls Can I take Adams desire 2 times daily? Cos I missed the intake for some days

    (0) (0)
  51. MO


    Good morning Naturesfieldadmin.
    I am 24yrs. I have come to noticed that I longer experience morning erection and each time I want to have sex, I only go one round. After that, getting an erection again for the second round is impossible. And my erection for the first around is falls gradually if I don’t insert it immediately.
    Now, Adam’s Desire has been recommended for me. How soonest will I see the result of it?
    Because wish to have 5 times of good sex with my wife daily. Pls advise me.

    (0) (0)
  52. MO


    Admin, pls I am very desperate about this.
    Pls tell me, will I be able to have morning erection and 3-4 times rounds of sex after finishing this 30 capsules of this Adam’s Desire?

    (0) (0)
  53. JT

    Joy Toochukwu

    Can I take Eve’s desire with
    Evening primrose
    Vitamin E
    G-Glutamin tablet
    Folic acid different times in a day?

    (0) (0)
  54. K


    Would taking zinc 100mg for as long as one needs to take Adam’s desire, eg 6 months not lead to zinc overdose as the 100mg daily intake exceeds RDI of zinc?
    Rather than just taking zinc along side Adam’s desire, would it not be better to combine it (Adam’s desire) with Healthy You for men which contains both the RDI amount of zinc and other essential nutrients.
    Lastly, can one take 1capsule of Adam’s desire in the morning and another capsule in the night after about 8 to 10 hours making twice a day for quicker results?

    (0) (0)
  55. K


    I started using Adam’s desire about a month ago and I am yet to see any slightest noticeable improvement on my PE issue or ED.
    Secondly how do I get to read testimonies of past users of @nature’s field men’s sexual health products because I have really searched for it but I can’t find any. I need to read the claims of people who it has worked for.

    (0) (0)
  56. AA

    Abu Aizegbeyele Hameedah

    Good Evening, I’m supposed to take the drug on a daily basis or only when am about to get to work.
    I don’t have dryness or low libido. I just want to enjoy it mad and experience orgasm more frequently

    (0) (0)
  57. B


    I have serious concerns for my dick when getting hard and erected and lasting longer. At times my dick can erect faster and can fall back faster as well even taking local stimulant before sex. However, I do have this spontaneous feeling for sex every two week in such a way that I can go for two rounds surprisingly for 10mins each when taking or not taking local stimulant. At midnight my dick always rises up till the morning without having sex but not being able to act well when I need it for sex personally with my partner. I had tried my best to buy some sexual herbs and oil in the past to treat it but no solution. I also bought 3 packs of wellman concept a month ago which I have been taken before came across your advertisement.

    I want to know if your Adam and Desire can help me improve my sexual erection and lasting period significantly?

    I want to know if I can order your Adam and Desire and take them separately together with the wellman conception per day?

    And I want to know when will I start seeing possible workable signs for your Adam and Desire if taking it?

    (0) (0)
  58. V


    Good evening. from all the responses above, are you saying it did not contain aphrodisiac??

    (0) (0)
  59. A


    Can Adam desire be taken by a teenager

    (0) (0)
  60. A


    Is Adam desire for teenagers

    (0) (0)
  61. CU

    Chikaodi ugwu

    Pls apart frm the premature ejaculation n low erection I have, I do experience serious inching frm my private part n waist pain
    Pls can Adams disire solve that issue for me permanently

    (0) (0)
  62. MO

    Mike onuh

    Pls I have inching in my private n sometimes waist pain can I be cure frm this, with Adams desire

    (0) (0)
  63. K


    How long takes to start functioning

    (0) (0)
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Nature'sfield Adam's Desire Nature'sfield Adam's Desire
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For how long would I be taking drug for effective results Dr Morufu asked on December 12, 2024

Good day, please note that supplements generally work gradually and take time to notice significant results. It requires consistency and patience before you begin to notice improvement. Best regards

Nature'sfield Representative answered on December 16, 2024 Verified Customer
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What does the product do regarding infection. I mean, whether is good to erectile dysfunction caused by infection. Thank you Dr Morufu Eyitayo Balogun asked on December 12, 2024

Hello, please note that Adam's desire doesn't cure any infection. It is mainly for erectile dysfunction, stamina and libido. Best regards

Nature'sfield Representative answered on December 16, 2024 Verified Customer
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Nature'sfield Adam's Desire

 9,820.00 26,650.00

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